Cada pieza tiene una historia, cuéntanos la tuya.

Every piece has a story, tell us yours

This year El Casco celebrates its 100-year anniversary. 100 years of handcrafting quality, luxurious and durable products. An El Casco product is a product for life, but more than that, it can be a product that is passed on generation to generation, creating its own unique story.

Each and every El Casco piece tells a story. A piece handed down by your grandfather, a gift you received from your family. All of these stories are an important part of the 100-year history of El Casco and can be attributed to the continued success and growth of the company.

As we launch a new era of El Casco with our brand-new web and social media communications, more than ever before we want to hear these stories. No story is too insignificant, we would like to hear each and every one.

As we collect these stories, we would like to share them with you, clients and fans of El Casco.

Do you have a story you would like to tell?

Send us your story to:
